All About Objective-C

All About Objective-C

You already know that there are variations when it comes to programming languages and each programming language has its reason for being formulated. Just like another programming language is Objective-C. Let us know what this language is for and what is its use?

Objective-C Programming Language

As the name suggests it is an objective-based programming language used for a common reason. It was initially used by Apple, Cocoa, Cocoa touch. Since the introduction of Swift, its demand started plunging. Developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love in 1980. It was one of a kind in its initial days.

Brief History

The function of Objective-C started around the time when Cox was captivated by problems of true reusability in software design and programming. His actualization that Smalltalk would be costly in creating development environments for system developers at ITT. Cox started working on C to add some of the capacities of Smalltalk. He soon worked on the implementation of an object-oriented extension to the C language, “OOPC” for Object-Oriented Pre-Compiler. Later Love fetched a chance to develop the first commercial copy of Smalltalk-80, hired by Schlumberger Research. To indicate the improvement, Cox revealed that creating equal software components needed only a few practical changes to surrounding tools. They then endorsed their product, which associated an Objective-C compiler with class libraries. They disclosed the inscription of Objective-C in ‘An Evolutionary Approach’ in 1986.

NeXT permitted Objective-C from StepStone and broadened the GCC compiler to assist Objective-C in 1988. However, the NeXT workstations weakened to make an influence in the market, as a result, NeXT stopped hardware production and gave priority to software tools. NeXT has sent the Objective-C frontend individually to avoid the terms of GPL. Unfortunately, this plan was dismissed and NeXT approved to make the Objective-C part of GCC.


  • Experience: This language is well tested and is used for more than 30 years now. Also, there are millions of code lines, a huge number of libraries, detailed documentation and tutorials are functional. This provides the reliability of code. 
  • Intense typing: Now this helps infer the developer’s thought and streamline the code. Therefore, it improves flexibility in-class usage. 
  • Assistance for former versions: It can work with earlier versions of iOS and macOS, promoting the innovation of common projects.
  • Stability: One of the best parts of this language is that it does not need constant updates or new versions. 


  • A steep learning curve: Founded on OOP doctrines, it has a confounded syntax which becomes difficult to understand for novices. 
  • Decreasing the number of developers: Once w popular language is no more popular now as there is a more portable language available. Also, several programmers deny learning an ancient language.
  • Insufficient functionality: There are many useful modern features which is not present in this language.
  • Security issues: There is a chance of hacking attacks, as several hacking tools are similar to the evolving Objective -C language 
Objective-C vs Swift

Often it is said Swift to be better than Objective-C. Of course, they both have their application but then again it has some difference too.

  • Swift is faster comparatively like C++. 
  • It is simpler to read and simpler to understand Swift than Objective-C. The reason behind this is that Objective-C is about 30 years old, which makes it unmanageable. 
  • The flaw of  Objective-C is that it has a two-file rule. Programmers here have to revise and keep two separate files of code, whereas, in Swift, programmers can keep one file.
  •  Swift is created with the Low-Level Virtual Machine, a compiler used by languages like Scala, Ruby, Python, C#, and Go. It is quicker and smarter than the previous C.
  • No pointers mean Swift is ‘safer.’ Objective-C, uses pointers, a method for uncovering values that provides access to data. On the other hand in Swift, if your code’s pointer is missing a value it crashes the app and allows you to fix the bugs. 
To Sum up

Objective -C language is the old but impactful language. Previously it was used by Apple but due to the launch of Swift, which is better than this language has decreased the demand.


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