Education System 2020: India Has updated its Education Policy

India has updated its education system for the year 2020 The choices you pick will make a way that will lead you to your future. Therefore, If the now of yours is loaded up with brimming energy and fervor, then you needn’t be bothered with whatever else to stress over. Above all, NEP 2020 is decisively what India needs to overwhelm in future decades of development in the education system and lead the instruction prerequisites of our young populace. Therefore, You are going to read all about the NEP 2020 in this article.
What is this Article about?
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday gave new light on India’s new National Education Policy 2020, which accommodates significant changes in advanced education, expanded spotlight on non-scholastic aptitudes, and expanded incorporation through language decent variety and course smoothness.
What do you mean by the Educational System of India?
The Central and most state sheets consistently follow the “10+2+3/4” example of training. For instance, the investigation of 10 years is done in schools and 2 years in Junior universities, and after that, 3 years of diploma or four-year college education degree. The initial 10 years is additionally partitioned into 4 years of essential instruction, 6 years of High School followed by 2 years of Junior universities.
- The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is the summit body situated in New Delhi, Capital City of India. It makes the educational plan-related issues for school instruction across India. The NCERT offers help, direction, and specialized help to a few schools in India and regulates numerous parts of the implementation of instruction approaches.
- Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts examinations at the 10th and 12th standards that are called as board exams.
- The Council of Indian School Certificate Examination(CISCE). CISCE conducts three assessments, in particular, the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE – Class/Grade 10). ISC – Class 12 The Indian School Certificate, and CVE – Class 12 the Certificate in Vocational Education.
- The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) conducts two assessments, In other words, Secondary Examination and Senior Secondary Examination (All India), and a few courses in Vocational Education.
Worldwide schools subsidiary to the International Baccalaureate Program as well as the Cambridge International Examinations. Moreover, NUEPA (National University of Educational Planning and Administration) and besides, the NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) is liable for the administration of the instruction framework and instructor accreditation.
Education System of India NEP 2020
In the new National Education Policy 2020, affirmed by Union Cabinet on Wednesday (July 29), therefore, the curricular and academic structure of school training will experience an exhaustive change to meet the formative needs and interests of younger students for their improvement at various stages.
- The NEP 2020 will give a push on youth care and training. A 5+3+3+4 curricular structure is suitable according to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years individually where the old 10+2 structure of school educational plans will be replaced by a new one.
- Therefore the 5+3+3+4 structure will incorporate an essential stage from 3 to 8, three years of pre-essential instruction from 8 to 11, a preliminary stage from 11 to 14, while the subsequent stage would contain 14 to 18 years.
- As per the NEP 2020, school understudies will take tests just for Classes 3, 5, and 8. Evaluation in different years will move to a “standard and developmental” style that will be more “competency-based” to advance learning and improvement testing “higher-request aptitudes, for example, investigation, basic reasoning and calculated lucidity”.
- The NEP additionally suggested that the board tests will keep on being held for classes 10 and 12, yet these will likewise be re-planned with “all-encompassing turn of events”.
What are the other changes?
- As per the HRD Ministry explanation, “This will bring the until now revealed age gathering of 3-6 years under the school educational plan, which has been perceived all-inclusive as the urgent stage for the improvement of intellectual capacities of a kid. Therefore, the new system will have 12 years of mentoring with three years of Anganwadi/pre-coaching.”
- National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (NCPFECCE) for kids up to the age of eight is established by the National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT). In other words, The services of HRD, Women and Child Development (WCD), Health and Family Welfare (HFW), and Tribal Affairs will mutually achieve the ECCE’s arranging and usage.
- Above all, the new strategy focuses on Universalization of Education from pre-school to auxiliary level with 100% GER in school instruction by 2030, said the announcement.
- However, based on the fundamental mainstays of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability and Accountability, this strategy is adjusted to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and expects to change India into a powerful data society.
Highlights of NEP 2020
- However, with SDG4 Universalization from ECCE to Secondary Education by 2030 has also been aligned.
- Accomplishing the goal which is Foundational Learning and Numeracy Skills through National Mission by 2025.
- By 2030 there will be 100% GER in Pre-School to Secondary Level.
- Assessment reforms by 2023 for which teachers will be prepared.
- Comprehensive and Equitable Education System by 2030.
- Board Exams to test center ideas and utilization of information.
- After that, each child will come out of School capable of at any rate one Skill.
- Regular Standards of Learning in Public and Private Schools.
Major Reforms in School education system
- Board tests will be low stakes and test real information rather than repetition learning.
- Native language to be a vehicle of guidance till fifth grade.
- Report cards will be a thorough report on aptitudes and abilities rather than just stamps and articulations.
- In other words, the National strategic spotlight is on the essential proficiency and fundamental numeracy.
- Significant changes in the educational structure of the educational plan with no unbending detachment between streams.
- Similarly, all divisions among professional and scholarly and curricular and extra-curricular will likewise be expelled.
- Also, the New National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education, ECE, School, and Teachers.
- Based on the Knowledge Application Board Examination will be Low Stakes.
- The mode of Instruction till at any rate Grade 5, and ideally till Grade 8 and past in Home Language/Mother tongue/Regional Language.
- 360-degree Holistic Progress Card of Child.
- Therefore, we can track the student progress for Achieving Learning Outcomes.
Other Reforms in School Education system
- National assessment center – PARAKH
- For HEIs, NTA gives a Common Entrance Exam for Admission.
- National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)
- Book Promotion Policy and Digital Libraries
- Transparent online self-disclosure public oversight and accountability
- Universalization of Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE)
- National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
- 5+3+3+4 Curricular and Pedagogical Structure
- An educational program to coordinate 21st Century Skills, Mathematical Thinking, and Scientific temper
Use of Technology
- Education Planning.
- Teaching Learning & Assessment.
- Administration & Management.
- Regulation- Self Disclosure & Minimum Human Interface.
- Increasing Access for Disadvantaged Groups.
- Divyang Friendly Education Software.
- e-Content in Regional Language.
- Virtual Labs.
Other Reforms in Technology
- National Educational Technology Forum (NETF).
- Digitally Equipping Schools, Teachers, and Students.
- Graded Autonomy: Academic, Administrative & Financial.
- Phasing out Affiliation System in 15 years.
- National Mission on Mentoring.
- Independent Board of Governors (BoG).
- Higher Education will have a Single Regulator(excluding Legal and Medical).
- Online Self Disclosure based Transparent System for Approvals instead of ‘Reviews’.
- Common Norms for Public and Private HEIs.
- Private Philanthropic Partnership.
- Fee fixation within Board Regulatory Framework.
- Also, Open Investment in Education Sector is to arrive at 6% of GDP at the soonest.
Major Reforms in Higher Education Systems
- 50% Gross Enrolment Ration by 2035
- Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education- Flexibility of Subjects
- Multiple Entry/Exit
- UG Program – 3 or 4 years
- PG program – 1 or 2 years
- Integrated 5 year bachelor’s/Master’s
- Credit Transfer and Academic Bank of Credits
- HEIs
- Model Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERU)
- Therefore, the vision of making a training framework that contributes legitimately to changing the nation, giving excellent instruction to all, and making India a worldwide information superpower.
In conclusion, this change of new education policy is big but the decision taken is also right because the education system needed to be upgraded for the betterment of students and India’s growth development. In other words, No one knows what impact would it bring now, all we can do is wait and hope it to perform well.