Computing Ethics and Security

Computing Ethics and Security

Computing ethics are procedures of using computer technology without violating the moral understanding of other users on the internet.

Therefore, it is a concept that addresses the problems arising from the usage of computers.

Computing Ethics and Security

Computing ethics majorly ensures the ethical usage of computing resources in the internet world. Therefore, the main objective of computing ethics is to protect genuine users of the internet from any potential scams and threats.

Whereas, computer security refers to protecting the computer from unwanted access. This prevents the violation of data breach.

Following are the computer threats

  • System failure
  • Hardware theft
  • Software theft
  • Information theft
  • Unauthorized access
  • Network attacks

Following are the types of computer security

  • Information security: It protects the information from unauthorized access. It prevents addition and deletion.
  • Application security: It protects the application by developing a protective security wall.
  • Computer security: It refers to protecting a particular computer machine from all the external threats and attacks.
  • Network security: It protects both software and hardware simultaneously.
  • Cybersecurity: It will protect all the computers present on a particular network.

Components that need to be protected

  • Hardware: It refers to the tangible part of the machine.
  • Software: It is the intangible phase of a machine like windows, operating system.
  • Firmware: It prevents the memory that is embedded in software and hardware.

The CIA Triad

There are three main concerns in computer security.

  • Confidentiality: It ensures the availability of information to only authorized people.
  • Integrity: It ensures that modification powers remain with authorized people only.
  • Availability: It makes sure that the information is available only to authorized people.

Computer Security Threats

These threats are the potential dangers that might hamper the usual working of a computer. Flowing are computer security threats:

  • Viruses: It is a malicious program that enters a computer without any knowledge. It duplicates itself and corrupts the files and programs on the computer. If the virus stays in the computer for long, it will end up ruining the processor. Therefore, viruses are very dangerous for a computer. eg McAfee
  • Worm: It is a software program that replicates itself and will take up most of the space in your disk storage. As a result, it will slow your computer performance dramatically.
  • Phishing: Phishing attacks targeting a user by emails or telephones.

Importance of computer security

We’re living in a digital world, the biggest challenge today is to keep our information secure and away from bad intended people. 

It is also important to protect our systems and networks from such malicious attacks.

Therefore, we have to have a decent knowledge of computer security.

Also, read about Computer Science Engineering.

Following are the computer security practices

With the increasing number and ways of malpractices, one is supposed to adopt various measures to protect his system. Following are the measures to do so:

  • Systems should have proper antivirus and appropriate security measures.
  • Firewalls installed should be properly activated as it acts as a guard between the threat and the system.
  • All the software should be updated with the latest versions to keep up with the latest protection system.
  • Don’t click on any fishy email links.
  • Change your passwords on a regular basis to avoid hacking.

In conclusion, IT security is the protection of your computers and your computer network. It has become the most important task in any medium and big sized organization today. The safety of electronic data is of utmost importance as it contains all the sensitive information of the business and businessmen. 

Therefore cybersecurity has become the most lucrative business in today’s time.

Employees could also be held responsible for the security of the organizational data. Therefore, employees are potential internal threats to an organization.

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