How does R Programming help in Business Analytics?

Business Analytics With R referred to as ‘R Programming Language’ is an open-source best programming language and a software environment designed by and for statisticians. In other words, It comes with pre-compiled based binary versions for several operating systems like Unix, Linux, Windows, and macOS, etc.
Does this make R better than C & C++? No, it just conveys that R has some areas where it will always shine.
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Why is it a fully functional programmable computer language?
- Stores and handles data efficiently & effectively employing a suite of numeric and textual operators & its combination for calculations on array and matrices.
- It consists of tools for data analysis.
- Similarly, it is equipped with graphical services to give acceptable and informative data analysis.
- Consists no tricky and confusing programming techniques with well-developed functions, loops, conditionals, input-output facilities.
- Above all, it consists of a LaTeX styled documentation format, which provides a wide range of documentation. In other words, this mold R easily large-scale through functions and extensions, allowing programmers to increase its present capabilities.
Myths of R- Programming
- Can easily connect to Database Management System(DBMS).
- Does not have a database
- Is slower.
- Does not contain any graphical features.
- Contains a Graphical user interface(GUI).
- R programming language does not support Excel/Ms word files.
- Above all, it is a really interesting language. It can make statistical software easily.
- Open-source programming language.
- Used for statistical computing and data analysis.
- Object-oriented language.
- Produces exclusive graphics.
- Provides an advance analytics
- Above all, it provides an environment for statistical analysis.
Used in sectors like?
- IT Sector: Software development and business intelligence.
- Finance Sector: Stock Market Modeling, Statistical Analysis & Fraud Detection
- Government Sector: Weather Forecasting & Record Keeping
- Social Media: Behaviour Analysis & Sentiment Analysis
Why do business analysts learn this language?
- Cheap Programming language
R is open-source and free to use. Having R language skills can also make analysts a master within their analytics department as they can assist cut down the yearly budget cost of their department. Therefore, In other words, this especially is valid to use in banking and financial services.
- Business Acceptance with the language
In addition, Businesses are shifting towards R Language quickly. In other words, companies as diverse as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Airbnb, Pfizer, Merck, Bank of America, the InterContinental Hotels Group and Shell, Microsoft (Bing), Llyod’s Insurance, ANZ Bank, NY Times, Thomas Cook are using the R Programming Language efficiently.
For What Purpose does the companies use the R Programming Language?
- For performance analysis
- Financial forecasting.
- For data visualization and semantic clustering
- Use it for a variety of purposes.
- For statistical analysis
- For credit risk modeling
- No longer to difficult to learn
Now Graphical User Interfaces have emerged. Therefore, these involve packages like Rattle GUI (for data mining), Deducer GUI (for data visualization), R Commander ( that allows additions of other statistical packages into e-plugins and interfaces alike R Studio and similarly, R Excel that enable very easy practice and versatility even to more novel users and learners in R Programming Language.
- Graphs
R is a big source to learn data visualization and data exploration by generating graphs and charts. Similarly, GUI support is the best matched with any class of analytics software and it includes interactive, 3D, and a wide range of publication-ready templates for customizing the graphical entity.
In conclusion, we learned about various aspects of the language. Similarly, we learned about various big organizations using R Programming Language for different purposes & therefore, we can say that R Programming Language satisfies their particular needs. In other words, before it was only used for a particular sector and goal. But now the time has changed and Therefore, R Programming Language has been using in different sectors as we discussed before.