Top 8 Best Running Apps For Android 2020 & 2021

Weather in recent days is pleasing, so even the most prominent opponents of cold weather can poke their nose out into the street to keep themselves in shape naturally. Although, quarantine is far from being dispersed in attempts to go to your favorite bar or park. But you can diversify your home gatherings by running (wearing a mask! to save from Covid-19 and Tick Bourne). Therefore, we decided to talk about the main applications for smartphones for running. So, this is the right time to combine health and technology all together to get some best running apps.
It should be noted that the whole eight can work for free, but some have premium versions, the cost of which we also indicated.
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Best Running Apps For Android – Freely Available!!
Once upon a time, the “ladies” had their program, but they decided not to bother but bought a set of applications from the Austrians. By that time were already well known on the market. Here you can see the running routes of other people who have installed the application or run along your path. There are training plans, but they are either paid or in “neighboring applications. For example, in addition to the treadmill, you can also install Adidas Traning and Runtastic Steps – respectively, an application for training and walking.
Asics may not be a top-rated brand in equipment and footwear for football players, inferior to other giants. Still, their running application is one of the most popular. Traditionally, here you can choose what kind of activity you do (running, walking, cycling, hiking, swimming, mountain biking, etc.). No less traditionally, you can join some of the challenges (Trials) or create your own. The running mode has a night design, and after the end of the race, Alla will voice you the workout’s audio statistics. You can stream your activities in the premium version and get an individual plan depending on your goal: lose weight, most extended exercise, total distance, etc.
One of the few free apps: there are no premium versions, and you don’t need to pay extra for anything to open additional functions. Several drawbacks – all data is stored only in your smartphone: there is no own site, just as it is tough to pull data to other resources through open source. This application is also exclusively for running: you will not ride a bike with it, and for training, you need to install any additional application (Nike has its own for this).
“Armurovtsy” decided to take the least resistance path and started buying ready-made applications instead of developing their own. In 2013, they took MapMaiRan, and two years later – Endomondo (about him below). The MapMyFitness framework has separate apps for walking, cycling, exercising, and even calculating food calories, so the focus here is running. The program looks visually overloaded, and several functions are available only by subscription. But, in principle, if deep analytics are not crucial to you, then you can run with it without problems. The main highlight is the English-speaking voice assistant that you need to hear.
It is another brainchild of UA, which in 2015 bought this application to actively promote in the European market. The program has a very nice-looking green interface and also has a classic set of features. It includes the ability to run along someone’s already paved route. There are many sports to choose from, even can cross, orienteering, and wheelchair riding, and you can create a challenge or join an existing one. The main disadvantage is that you cannot run more than 10 km a week without the premium version. Therefore, for those who jerk their muscles on the track for their pleasure, it is unlikely that such news.
It is generally the app used for the runners and athletics. Almost everyone has at least one friend, relative, or colleague who use Strava. It seemed that the application is not the most user-friendly interface, in which you can get confused. But in the running mode, everything is minimalistic to genius. There is simply a vast selection of sports in Strava: running, walking, cycling, canoeing, skating, and so on. You can join a challenge, run along with segments of the track that have already been built. Apart from this, join one of the existing clubs near you.
Along with Strava, it is an independent app that sports equipment giants do not deal with. It is developed by using a charming yellow design and available at a reasonable price. From the unpleasant – after all, this application is less promoted than the others; therefore, it is difficult to extract data from it in which case. As well as finding someone you know who uses it.
Puma was the last to join the user’s fight through competition in fitness applications. So it lags at least in the number of downloads. Before installing it, be prepared that the application will immediately start bombarding you with questions, why did you download it, and what muscles you want to pump up. This is not specifically a running application, but a training application. With it, you can run, and pump up, and train flexibility or endurance. An unpleasant little thing – from the music of “Pumatrak.”
Final Words
In this blog, you’ll get to know the free apps that help you to track your progress while you do running and other cardio activities. These apps are the best example of technology and a great move in the programming field too. That’s All Hope You can find your Best Running Apps that match your requirements.
Not bad list, but no legal things – opensource, fremium, propriotary e.t.c.
That’s make it much less usable for real pickers.