How Automation Systems Help The Future Generation?

Are you here to know about automation systems? If yes, then this is a blog for you, you’ll get all information about Automation systems. I am going to discuss each and everything, that you need to know about it. Before we begin, let’s have a look at the table on Content.
What is Automation?
Automation is the use of electronics and computer-processed devices. Automation systems are used to allow control of processes. The purpose of automation is to encourage efficiency and reliability. Does automation systems replace workers? In reality, economists now fear that the latest technology will ultimately drive up unemployment rates significantly.
In various production plants today, robotic assembly lines are progressively bringing out functions that humans used to do. The term ‘manufacturing’ refers to transforming raw materials and ingredients into finished & quality goods. It is usually done on a huge scale in a factory.
Automation incorporates many components, methods, and job functions in every industry. It is especially accepted in production, transport, facility operations, and services. Moreover, national defense systems are moving to automation systems.
“Substituting human-operated operations with electronics and computer-processed devices. For example, ‘Email Marketing automation’ replaced manual typing of email, Schedule sending of an email”
Artificial intelligence is gradually slithering into each aspect of our daily lives. Not only has become more common in the workplace, but also in the home and even outside. Will it lead to a greater quality of life and standard of living for people, or a living crisis?
The Automation and The Office Environment
Over the last 40 years, the IT sector has completely changed the office environment. Such roles as communication, documenting, correspondence, and filing have shifted fully automated. Our offices today have much fewer furniture. Offices now even feel and look absolutely different from what managed to exist in the 1960s.
The offices used to be full of interiors, furniture but now the situation has changed. Examples included folders full of paper records & reports, calculators, phone records, staplers, diaries, journals.
While some old office workers still keep plenty of these items in their tables, information technology, and automation have passed the need for most of them.
How many of the offices use a map made of paper to find places & directions compared to forty years ago? When you needed to find somebody’s telephone number, you had to look it up in a record.
Automation Impacts On Flexible Working
Technology has turned most of the office employees of a fixed 9 to 5 routine to flexible working. Appreciations to the Internet, the Cloud, laptops, tablets, and smartphones & many apps, we can now operate & work from anywhere.
Today, Even in the coronavirus pandemic, It is the technology and automation systems which smoothens our tasks.
The flexibility of work means that people are now completely able to manage their work & life. But, we now have a new problem; we cannot turn off from work completely anymore.
Automation Systems and Banking
Banks used to have lots of workers and consumers in them. Today, fewer of us do banking physically in the bank’s branch. We do most of our banking activity either online or by chatting or talking to bots over the phone.
Even in the back, most of the activities have turned fully automated. The fully automated systems enable us to complete our banking tasks. These activities include passbook printing, Cash withdrawal from ATM’s, Automated cash deposit machine, etc.
These drives to decrease in the staff of banks & therefore banks are gaining much more profit.
At last, banks have transformed due to automation and technological advances.
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Automation Systems In The Manufacturing Areas
Manufacturing has encountered tremendous changes over the past few decades. Job in manufacturing has declined considerably.
Not all of those jobs have vanished because of automation systems. Some jobs have shifted abroad to countries with cheaper labor costs & with automated machinery. Yet, a sizable proportion of that loss has been due to automation.
Experts say that the pace of declination in manufacturing employment will not slow down. Most of them foretell the problem will get progressively and more quickly worse.
Automation and Unemployment
There is increasing anxiety that soon, only those with technoscientific skills will have their jobs. Reasonably skilled persons like artists, fantastic musicians, and any other with god gifted skills & capabilities that people admire will be employed.
But, Nobody thinks about the rest of the world’s population?
What Mr. Moshe Vardi warns?
Mr. Moshe Vardi warns that more than 50% of the world’s workforce will be jobless within the next thirty years because of automation & technological advances. Prof. Vardi is a Great Service Professor of Computational Engineering at Rice’s Department of Computer Science, Texas, USA.
Not only will intelligent automation systems substitute humans in the workplace, but they will also probably give a competitive performance to humans.
The importance of implementing automation technologies is the need of the hour. In every sector automation is necessary, to increase productivity and good quality of work.
Moreover, We need to think about the population which is going to be unemployed after full automation systems in every industry.
We need to keep in mind that automation is not the substitute for human power but it is a significant supplement that serves the need for advanced technologies.