Java Looping and Decision Making

Java Looping and Decision Making

A loop is a way to repeat the code lines at a said number of times. The number of times that the code repeats is dependent on a condition set within the Java program. This post shall explain to you everything about Java looping and decision making in Java.

Types of Java looping

Loops are of two types:



Indeterminate: This loop is unaware of the number of times it will repeat. They’re while and do-while loops.

Determinate: This loop is aware of the exact number of repetitions it will be going through.

While and Do-While statements in Java

The while statements are for executing a program if the mentioned condition stands true.

The do-while statement is for executing a program which executes once.

The difference between the two is that do while evaluates its expression at the end of the code.


The statement executes a range of conditions. Coders mostly use it for a loop because it repeats the whole program in a loop until a particular condition is met.

The coder should remember the following things while executing a for statement:

  • The expression of initialization initializes the loop. The program will execute it once the code begins.
  • The loop shall terminate as soon as the termination expression evaluates to false.
  • The loop invokes the increment expression after every iteration. Accepting an incremental or decremental value is absolutely normal for the program.

The Branching Statements

The Break Statement

The break statement has two forms. Labeled and unlabeled. Unlabeled’s task is to break the statement and terminate the innermost switch. Whereas, the labeled statement breaks through an outer statement.

Although, the unlabeled statement breaks through the innermost switch.

The Continue Statement

This statement will skip the interpretation of for, while, and do-while loop. The unlabelled form will skip itself through the end of the inner loop. It shall control and evaluate the expression further.

The Return Statement

This statement shall exit from the current method and current flow shall return right where the method was invoked. This method is preferred in the void type return values. After the execution of the statement, the function will return to the caller method.

The Switch Statement

The switch statement is just another form of an if-else statement in a program.

Following are the features of the switch statement:

  • It cuts out all the hassles of writing else if every time in a single program
  • It branches out the flow of the program to multiple points as per the conditions specified
  • The output of the expression decides the flow of the program
  • The result of expression decides the execution by default

Also, read about Java 


Decision making and Java looping forms the most important part of Java. The statements form a very important role in framing the algorithms. The clear decision making concept is the most important thing in programming.

Although, decision making in Java is pretty self-explanatory. It basically means the decision-taking for choosing the plan of action.


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