Robotics Technology – A Beginners Guide

Robotics Technology – A Beginners Guide

We all are aware of the fact that the Robotics technology industry is comparatively new and young. However, it is an amazing advancement by humans. Today Robots can perform tasks that humans couldn’t dream of achieving. For example – Exploring innermost depths of oceans to the extreme heights of outer space. Our beginner guide will give you a specific understanding of Robotics, it’s importance, types of robots, and opportunities in the field.

What is Robotics Technology?

Robotics technology is a process involving the design, development, operation, and implementation of robots as well as another intelligent system. Robotics technology can be used for automated machines, which can access the manufacturing processes. Moreover, it can perform the tasks and duties of humans to ease life and streamline work processes. For example – it can assist pilots and guide spacecraft without human assistance. 

Why is robotics technology important in the world?

Today, robotic technology has influenced every aspect of work and home. It can positively transform lives and work practices. Robots can also perform several jobs in different fields with accuracy.

  • Domestic robots can help us perform different household tasks with numerous robotic technology such as robotic pool cleaners, robotic sewer cleaner, robotic vacuum cleaners, etc.
  • Robots used in the medical industry assist the medical team in performing surgical treatments. 
  • Farmers have also taken advantage of the technology with automated harvesters.
  • The military uses several robotic technologies like Predator and Reaper. 
  • Lastly, Robots can do dangerous jobs such as bomb disposal. Instead of risking human life, we can simply go for a robot, as they have more accuracy. They are well programmed to do specific tasks.

Click to know more about Facebook Robots

Types of Robots

Robots come in many shapes and sizes and perform the tasks that humans can’t. Some of these robots are:

1. Pre-Programmed Robots

Pre-Programmed robots
Pre-Programmed Robot

These robots are programmed to perform a repetitive task and operate in a controlled environment. These robots can’t change their behavior while working as well as they perform the task faster and efficiently than a human. For example – In the medical industry they use pre-program robots that can provide training simulations, such as S575 Noelle. These robots help the medical students presenting the scenarios of diagnosis and treatments.

2. Humanoid Robots

Sophia Humanoid Robot
Sophia Humanoid Robot

These robots look like and mimic human behavior and can perform human-like activities. These help in personal assistance and caregiving, research and space exploration, search and rescue, etc. One of the most famous examples of a humanoid robot is Sophia (also the first robot to get citizenship).

3. Autonomous Robots

Autonomous Robot
Autonomous Robot

These robots operate independently. They can make their own decisions and then act accordingly. These robots can carry out tasks in an open environment that does not need any kind of human surveillance. For example – a Roomba vacuum cleaner has an in-built program that uses sensors to clean the floor freely.

4. Teleoperated Robots

Teleoperated Robots - Robotic Technology
Teleoperated Robot

These are semi-autonomous robots and the mechanical bots controlled by humans. The remote control signals can be sent through a wireless system over the satellite. These robots are designed to work in extreme geographical conditions, circumstances, etc. For example – Performing a medical surgery, remote-controlled drones use for surveillance and drop bombs. 

5. Augmenting Robots

Augmenting Robots - Robotic technology
Augmenting Robot

These robots enhance capabilities that a person already has or replace capabilities that a person lost. These robots help in the medical industry for people having physical disabilities. For example – Robotic prosthetic limbs.

Opportunities in Robotics 

Robotic technology provides opportunities across several different sectors such as space, education, military, healthcare, automotive, and many more. Robotic is a growing field and has a huge scope in the upcoming years. It is prominent in the industrial automation involving manufacturing, packaging, and assembling. It has revolutionized the automation sector with immense productivity as well as the safety of the end product. For example – Diligent Robotics, this company design AI enables robots to work with people. Therefore, they have a Moxi robot, this robot can perform logistical tasks in hospitals. 

Also Read: Deep Learning AI

Robotics Engineer salary in different industries

Robotic engineers are the ones who create, operate, and design robotic systems having specialization in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering. The annual average salary for a robotic engineer is $64000 – $96000 (Rs.47,90,700 – Rs.71,86,051).

robotic technology engineer salary
Robotic Engineers Salary


The industries have extremely benefited from the expansion of the robotic workforce. Hence, the demand for robotics technology in numerous sectors is increasing, and bringing up many new opportunities. So, it is the right time for you to adopt it as a career choice. We are here to give you the best knowledge, as of now you know what Robotic Technology is all about. 


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