Top 5 Things to Learn in Online C++ Programming Course

C++ is a general-purpose programming language considered an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high- and low-level language features. A C++ compiler is a software tool that translates the source code of a program written in the C++ programming language into another language or machine code.
C++ is an object-oriented programming language which means it focuses on data structures called object classes. Lastly, one of the best features of C++ is its versatility – it can be used for embedded programs or games! As a result, C++ is the most popular programming language in use today. It has many advantages over other languages, including its speed, power, and memory efficiency.
C++ is a programming language that is very popular for its object-oriented and imperative features. It was designed to be a general-purpose language and can be used in various domains, including system programming, application programming, graphics programming, etc. The C++ language has an expressive type system that makes it powerful enough to create large programs without compromising performance. This has made it one of the most popular languages in the world – with some estimates suggesting that more than 50% of all programmers use it daily.
Top 5 Things to Learn in C++ Programming Language
- Keywords and identifiers
- Variable and Constant
- Data type and Storage class
- Operators
- Inheritance
Keywords and Identifiers
In this section, we will be discussing keywords and identifiers in C++. Keywords are words that have a special meaning to the compiler. Identifiers are used to refer to variables, functions, classes and other things in the program.
A keyword is a word that has a special meaning to the compiler. For example, if you wanted to create a ‘height’ variable in C++, you would type ‘int height’. This tells the compiler that you wish for a variable called height, and it should be an integer. A similar example of using keywords is seen when declaring class-specific data members such as ‘private: int foo;’ which declares private variable foo of type int.
An identifier is used to refer to variables, functions, classes and other things. The identifiers are words that represent something in the program, like a variable or function name. Therefore, keywords and identifiers should be carefully chosen to serve as good identifiers for whatever they represent.
Variable and Constant
Variables and constants are two of the most important aspects of C++. A variable is a container for one or more values, and a constant is an unchanging value that can be used in any computation. Thus, variables store values for use in the future, while constants serve as an unchanging reference point for operations involving them.
Variables are the basic unit of storage in a program, and constants are simply global variables but can be set to values that do not change. The variable is the basic unit of storage in the C++ language. It has a name that you choose for it, and it’s capable of holding any type of data that you want. Constants are variables whose values do not change. They’re created using the keyword “const”, followed by the variable’s name and an equal sign between them.
A variable in C++ is an identifier for memory space. A constant is just like any other variable except that its value cannot be reassigned.
Data Types and Storage Class
The data type determines the kind of values that the variable can store.
There are three basic types of data in C++. The first one is an integer, which is an arbitrary-sized (no limits) whole number. The second one is the floating point, which is a fractional number with a decimal point. The third one is a character, which has no numerical value but represents alphabetic or numeric characters.
Storage classes define the scope and lifetime of variables. The three storage classes in C++: static, thread-local, and automatic (or dynamic). Variables declared as static will not be destroyed until the program ends; whereas thread-local will be destroyed when the thread that created them ends; automatic (or dynamic) will be destroyed when there are no more references to them from any code currently executing on a CPU core, such as when one function calls another function which does not use those variables
Operators are the symbols and words we use to tell the computer what we want it to do. The way an operator works depends on the type of data that it operates on. Operators can be classified as unary, binary, and ternary operators depending on how many operands they require for their operations. There are also assignment operators which allow us to assign a value to a variable or make an assignment statement.
Operators in the C++ language can be classified into five types:
- Arithmetic operators – including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Relational operators – including equality and inequality.
- Logical operators – which include AND, OR, XOR, NOT.
- Bitwise shift operators.
- Assignment operators.
Inheritance is a way of generalizing one class from another. The generalizing class is called the parent or superclass, and the specialized classes are called its subclasses or derived classes. The subclass inherits some or all of the parent’s attributes and methods. It can then override some attributes and methods with its own implementations. If it doesn’t, then it inherits everything from the parent object.
Inheritance is a mechanism for code reuse and code extension. It allows the programmer to build on and modify the functionality of existing software or other programmers’ software. The original object that was extended becomes known as the base class, and the new object that inherits from it becomes known as the derived class.
C++ is a general-purpose programming language that is one of the most popular languages in the world. Its use has been increasing rapidly in recent years, with a 41% increase in demand for C++ courses since 2015. Many businesses are now accepting C++ as a valid option for creating software that can be used for various applications, including mobile apps, video games, and desktop programs.
If you want to learn C++ programming, this is your time to get started with C++ courses online. Although There are C++ tutorials everywhere, they all begin with the same things. Once you grasp the basic concepts, you can move towards the more advanced functions.