What is Persuasion Science in Digital Marketing

Persuasion science is basically the neuroscience of customer patterns. It helps the brands to understand the behavior of the customers on the emotional front. Therefore, companies need to have an in-depth understanding of it.
What is Persuasion Science?
Companies can also design their marketing campaigns based on persuasion science. This will increase your conversion rate drastically.
Examples of Persuasion Science
Loss Aversion
Project your products and services in a manner that the customers think that they’re going to lose a lot if they don’t avail of the offer. Present some value in the offer as well otherwise, you might end up harming your brand image.
Decision Paralysis
If you present too many options to a customer, that might confuse them away. It’s better to keep the product range a bit short. This will make it easier for the customer to make up his mind.
Customers often make decisions based on the surrounding options that are available with a particular product or service. You can use this information for your leverage over the customer’s decision-making process.
Fast Transactions
Clients prefer that the product that they’ve selected should be delivered to them as soon as possible. Brands use this fact and come up with various schemes that offer faster deliveries at a slightly higher price. Therefore, companies should provide more such options to their customers.
Carrot and Stick
Well! It’s not exactly a carrot and sticks but it’s something similar. You should reward loyal customers by offering them various discounts. This will enhance your relationship with your customers and also lure more customers into your business. Therefore, brands should never forget to oblige their existing customers.
Customers respond less to the round figures. Instead, nearing rounded figures attract them more. For example, keeping the price at 99/- instead of 100/-. This will create an impression in the mind of the customer that the price is somehow discounted.
Catchy Campaigns
Eye-catching campaign headlines always bring in more customers than usual. Headlines attract customers and hook them to the details of the campaign. Therefore, they get lured in and the brands are able to convert them easily. For example, Dominos came up with idea of 30 minutes or free where they deliver within 30 minutes or your order is free of cost.
6 Principles of Persuasion
When You’re making strategies, you should consider the following principles:
People feel the need to return when you provide them with something. If you give them free samples, they might wonder if they owe you something. So, they’ll end up buying something. Therefore, it’s easy to convert with this principle.
Customers often want things that are available in less quantity. Its basically demand and supply rule. You can use this technique through limited time period sales and customers would want to pay a decent price for it.
Brands should project themselves as experts in their respective fields of business. This shows the customers that you’re well aware of the product and service that you’re providing them. Therefore, they trust you more.
People always appreciate products and services being delivered and updated at a good frequency. They often worry about the after-sale service. Therefore, if you provide service consistently, you’ll have a strong customer base.
The sales team of your business often uses this technique to influence your customers. They’ll compliment the customers which makes the customers like them. Likeability increases trust. Therefore, make your customers like you and your brand.
It is often said that people don’t buy what they need, they buy what other people buy. So, if many people around your target customers are buying from you, chances are very high that your target customer will also end up buying from you. It is often compared with a herd mentality. People feel validated when they see other people agreeing with their choices.
In conclusion, A customer goes through a series of thoughts before making a decision. There are multiple options available to him, many other substitutes available in the market. Therefore, you need to tap the psychology of the customer base to convert and close.