Programming Languages That Are On The Edge Of Death

Programming Languages That Are On The Edge Of Death

Of course, we have talked about several trending languages like programming languages python, programming languages go, and many more in our previous articles. However, today we will address those machine language that is on the edge of death.

10 Programming Languages which are soon going to die

  • Perl: Perl is a hybrid of two high-level languages. It is formulated for general-purpose and it is inferred and energetic language. The best feature of this language is that it reduces the task of the programmer. But its biggest disadvantage is that it comes at the cost of greater CPU and memory requirements. The reason behind Perl falling is that its increasing disuse as developers prefers other languages nowadays. However, it will take a long time for the language to flatten out totally.
  • Objective-C: Apple built Objective-C and it is now 35 years old. Apple wants it dead because several years ago Apple managers took to the stage to disclose Swift, its new, exceptional language for its software ecosystem. They wanted their developers to quickly adopt Swift at Objective-C’s expense. Now developers have adopted Swift because it has more feature-rich. Though Objective-C did not wreck and it is the popular-language rankings because of some folks. It is because of legacy code, also some developers solely prefer working with Objective-C.
  • ColdFusion: Adobe regularly updates this language but then according to a report there is a gradual deterioration in the rage and usage of ColdFusion. Adobe launched ColdFusion 11 with several advanced features. It helps programmers to create and deploy web applications and mobile apps quickly. Also, it allows creators to use the enterprise, developer, standard, or express version of ColdFusion 11. The reason behind its deterioration in popularity is the low quality of debugging, lack of package manager, and lack of performance of the CFScript, which affect the vogue and market share of this marketable framework.
  • COBOL60: COBOL stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. It was created in 1960 for business purposes. The main problem with COBOL is that it has tough typing rules which are problematic to frame. So the developer prefers other languages such as Python, Java. As a result, the business world has shifted itself from COBOL 60. However, it is still expensive to update.
  • Pascal: Niklaus Wirth created this and it is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. The reason behind designing for teaching programming languages. Pascal created Delphi and later on, Delphi took place of Pascal which led to this language dead.
  • Erlang: It is a garbage-collected runtime system for general purposes. It supports concurrency, distribution, and fault understanding. It is used in several large telecommunication systems. The problem with Erlang arose when it could not boost other channels. However, there are still more jobs for Erlang developers than there are developers available when it pertains to other languages.
  • Haskell: Once it was a consolidation of Miranda, Clean, and a dozen obscure languages. Additionally, semantics is the reason behind its invention. The objective was to use the same syntax in the research papers. Over time many it has updated itself and several well-known companies and projects have all used Haskell to execute important programs at one point or another. However, it is still not sure if Haskell is a dead language. 
  • CoffeeScript: CoffeeScript is a combination of language that assembles JavaScript and adds syntactic sugar. The problem with this language is that it adds a level of obscurity to the code, detailed scoping and the lack of actually named functions wasn’t worth the looks of the code according to the developer’s community. Therefore, CoffeeScript had the biggest decline according to the report.
  • Elm:  This language was formulated for declaratively developing web browser-based graphical user interfaces, with priority on usability. The reason behind its declining results is its update is two slow. Developers assumed it to be dead. Though Elm is still working it did not have regular updates and so susceptibility to the language reduced. 
  • VB .Net: Microsoft created a version of BASIC language, namely Visual Basic.NET. The coding strategy was identical to that of C#. However, the majority of V.NET developers are C# developers, and their numbers are only growing and this is the reason why Visual Basic. C#’s has reduced V.Net. More developers moved on to other languages, and companies were forced to revoke their ancient applications.

To Sum Up

These languages were once popular but gradually it started declining because of competition, lack of upgradations, and many other reasons. Nevertheless, some of them are still in use.

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