Is Zoom Really Wants To Work With FBI?? No More Zoom End To End Encryption For Free Users

Is Zoom Really Wants To Work With FBI?? No More Zoom End To End Encryption For Free Users


The mainstream end to end encryption video conferencing company Zoom has recently announced that it will no longer offer encryptions on their free accounts. They confirmed this week ( on the 1st week of May 2020) that they shut down the services of Zoom end to end encryption. Zoom is doing this because to cooperate with the FBI. As some people using this live streaming service to create hate in society, that is totally unfair.

Senior reporters say that Zoom took this step as it wants to work with law enforcement agencies. But doesn’t mean that Zoom going to take this service for completely paid. 

Luckily the free users will still have access to Zoom’s AES 256 GCM encryption.


Free Users Won’t Get Zoom End To End Encryption on Video Calls

As you might know, the popularity of Zoom skyrocketed amid the coronavirus lockdown. Consequently, Zoom needs to worry about the privacy and security of years. Eric Yuan, the company’s CEO, has officially stated that Zoom wants to works hand in hand with law enforcement agencies.


 Yuan said this on a call: “We don’t want to give [no end to end encryption] as we also want to work together with FBI, with local law enforcement in case some people use Zoom for a bad purpose.” Most of the users and privacy experts are unhappy with the decision of Zoom. A-Zoom company’s spokesman already said that the company already offers basic encryption for users of all tiers. Then, he added that Zoom does not “proactively monitor meeting content”.

We do not share information with law enforcement except in circumstances like child sex abuse,” he said. “We do not have backdoors where anyone can enter meetings without being visible to others. None of this will change.


Tim Wade, the technical director at cybersecurity firm Vectra stated that “In an online world, encryption is paramount to privacy, and privacy promotes safety, liberty, and fairness into our social fabric.” Then he says that –  to disclose the personal privacy of users behind the paywall is takes the basic freedom and fairness from users.


Clear Words Of Zoom’s Spokesperson On – No More Zoom End To End Encryption 

Recently, A senior Zoom spokesperson says that “Zoom does not proactively monitor meeting content, don’t they share information with law enforcement except some conditions like child sex abuse or other illegal activities.

The company announces that they are not going to left and loopholes or backdoor for their free users where participants can enter meetings without being visible to others. None of this will change,”

They also said that – Zoom’s end-to-end encryption plan balances the privacy of its users. In order to safety of vulnerable groups, including children and potential victims of hate crimes. After that they said, they are planning to provide end to end encryption Zoom to users, whom identity is verified. So that it can limit the harm to these vulnerable groups.

Also Read: Google Apps Now have Dark Mode Feature

Zoom Bombing Cases Found in Live Conferences 

The popularity of Zoom soared as millions of people take the help of Zoom for their work from home in this coronavirus pandemic. After the increase in the case of Zoombombing, the video conferencing platform has been criticized over its privacy and security features. And because of that, the Supreme Court had issued notice to the central government in the last month. Where they are seeking opinion, whether a video conference platform Zoom should be banned as there is a rapid increase in unwanted or bad activities. The supreme court issue this notice with respect to a rise in privacy and security concerns.

Read More: Zoom and Jiomeet


This time user worries about Zoom end to end encryption without actually knowing it. Even Zoom did handshake with the FBI, but this doesn’t mean that they proactively keep an eye on you. They mainly take this step to focus more on Child sex and other illegal activities. In order to help the FBI to monitor such bad activities and help on such a big end to end encryption conferencing app.

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