What is Black Hat SEO? How To Avoid Practicing Black Hat SEO?

What is Black Hat SEO? How To Avoid Practicing Black Hat SEO?

Are you going to build up a website, then be aware of the tactics, that can spam your site. Or if you don’t know guidelines for the SEO followed by a search engine, then you are at the right place. Have a brief about the tactics that can spam your site by a search engine, a practice called Black Hat SEO.

What Black Hat SEO Distinguish? 

Black Hat terminology distinguishes the bad guy from a good one, the same denotes in the SEO, here it represents the fair and unfair tactics. Here it represents the unfair practices preferred by the spammers to increase the ranking on search engines. These practices are against the search engine webmaster guidelines (generate and revise websites/pages). 

For the long run of our website, we are asked to call-off a black hat SEO technique. You can find a huge list of tactics on search engine webmaster guidelines, which violates the terms and condition of search engines. 

There is a large number of malpractices accomplished and more will take place on some tomorrow that is against the search engine webmaster guidelines. Have a brief discussion on some of these general malpractices.

Black Hat SEO practices

  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Article spinning/ Content Automation
  • Doorway pages
  • Cloaking
  • Sneaky Redirects
  • Link Schemes/ Link Manipulation 
  • Automated queries to Google

Keyword Stuffing

This practice includes the peripheral or irrelevant usage of keywords in the content. It too results in the decline of the quality of content. For example, people refer to the content of pages that rank high on the search engines, manipulates it by editing some words to update on self webpages. 

Article Spinning / Content Automation

This is the next level spam, this practice includes a kind of similar to the duplicate content, as mentioned above. It involves software that recasts the content as an exclusive content, which outstands to diminish the risk of being caught by any plagiarism. 

Doorway Pages

This practice act as a medium between user and content by enhancing the low-quality content with suitable keywords. Which upholds to increase the SEO ranking of the page. These pages sometimes hold up the products and services, when users click to get further information.


It is a technique that misleads the search engine and user at the same time. Spam websites misguide the search engine bot and users at the same time to increase the ranking of the website. Practices also preferred to hack the sites, if we find something unusual in our site we can report a complaint against it.

Sneaky Redirects

It includes the direct sharing of links to the users, when they open it it will redirect the search engine crawler to a different page in contrast to users, a bit the same as cloaking. This upholds to a rapid increment of webpage rank on the search engine.

Other than this link scheme referred to generate the number of backlinks irrespective of having good quality content. 

How to avoid black hat techniques

Working at odds with the search engines will uphold a tremendous risk for our webpage. All of the above we have to ensure that our webpage should come under the webmaster guidelines. Practices which can keep your webpage spam-free are; 

  1. Avoid the malpractices mentioned above. 
  2. Never buy or sell links of your webpage or website
  3. Prefer to have original content, free from keyword stuffing or article spinning for the webpage/site.
  4. Ensure schema markup which should be accurate and does not mislead users.
  5. Stay up to date to webmaster guidelines to avoid malpractices.
Wrapping up

Black hat SEO also cites as an unethical SEO or spamdexing. It is an oppression technique, still, people prefer. As their intention is an instantaneous financial return on their website. They are devoid of having a long-term investment, so they hang-back and lean towards the black hat techniques.

There is a huge number, who perform unethical tactics to rank higher on the search engines. Some of them are Groupon’s Bait and Switch, Sprint’s user-generated spam, J. C. Penny black hat link, etc.

A white hat SEO is a much better choice contrast to a black hat, as we can have h peace of breath that once we had attended a rank on search engine we can’t lose it. 

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